3 Killer Tips For Niche Marketing


Every company, whether they’re big or small, have a specific audience in mind.

Even some of the largest brands that seem to have a pretty universal reach won’t launch a marketing campaign without a specific customer in mind.

If you’re selling a product that’s only really suited to a specific, narrow target market, you may find your marketing a little hard to plan out and manage. Here are some tips to make things easier…


#1 Meet Their Needs


This may sound pretty simple, and can be applied to selling pretty much anything, but it deserves even more emphasis when you’re stocking a niche product.

The benefits you really flaunt should have a special appeal to your narrow target market. Think about what you can offer that’s unique and compelling, and look for ways you can tailor these features to your audience’s needs.

General construction supplies, for example, haven’t changed much over the years in terms of their selling points and the scope of their marketing.

However, if you were trying to sell a portable bridge for use in oilfields, you’d have something much more compelling which you could dangle in front of your target market.

Make sure you know your customer as well as any member of your family, and that you’re meeting their needs as closely as possible.


#2 Talk the Talk



When you’re marketing to a fairly narrow customer base, it’s essential that you’re able to speak their language.

You need to be able to push your target market’s buttons, and communicate with them as one of their peers. It’s vital to understand how your market prefers to communicate with businesses like yours.

Let’s say you were running an eCommerce business that sells primarily to men, and decided to release a new women’s range.

Just like men, women enjoy the convenience of being able to order things online. However, they generally prefer having more content relating to the products, so that it’s easier to evaluate them and the brand behind them.

When you’re entering a new niche with a view to increased sales, you need to have a plan for revising your marketing message every time you expand your range of products or services.


#3 Always Test the Waters



Before you charge into a totally new market like a bull at a gate, you need to spend a little time testing the waters, assessing the competitors which you’ll be up against, and determining how you’re going to position yourself against them.

The best way to conduct this kind of competitive analysis is to spend some time reviewing your closest competitors’ ads, websites, brochures, and any other materials that you’ll have to best or undermine through your own marketing campaign.

If there’s no competition, don’t think that you can just relax! What may seem like a totally untapped market could be a niche that many companies have tried to penetrate before, but have failed to again and again. Always test the waters to gauge how receptive the market is going to be.


Follow these tips, and your niche marketing will become so much simpler.  

What are you doing to market to a specific niche topic?

 Share your thoughts and comments below.


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