Make And Market: How To Design And Sell The Perfect Product To Make Your Business Thrive


If you operate a product design business or even a business that makes inventions you’ll know how tough it can be to get the perfect product.

There are many things you can do to ensure the product is a success, and also ways in which you can keep the costs down to ensure your business remains possible even after manufacturing your products.

You can try some of these tips out yourself and hopefully be successful.


Market Research

So many inventors, product design business owners and even graphic designers go ahead and try to create and sell a product before they even know what the consumers want.

This method is complete hit and miss and you could waste valuable time and money and see little return. Instead, try to find out what people want first.

This way you know it’ll be a hit when you release the product. You can partially develop something before embarking upon market research if you wish, this way you can add the final tilt in a way that is pleasing to those who will buy it.

This insight ins invaluable and should always be sought out. Make sure you are targeting the right audience too. Think about the product and what type of people will buy it, then ask those people about it. What could be changed, what works well etc.

If you do this for each product you create you can really make your business thrive.


Try To Cut Costs

When you’re making a product keep your business in mind.

Try to limit the amount of waste you create and always try to use cheaper materials if you know they’ll work and hold up.

Sometimes you’ll need to go to external manufacturers for certain materials such as electronics which can be a huge added expense, especially when you’re ordering a small amount for testing and such.

Visit to find out more about saving money on your electronic components. Any and all means of limiting costs should be exploited.

By doing it, your business will stay profitable. As long as your product isn’t compromised or your reputation tarnished, it can


Promote And Market

Once you have created your product you need to market it. You can’t just expect people to know about it and to start buying it.

You need to devise a clear cut marketing strategy which is built upon firm foundations and a great product. First, target the same type of people you targeted during your market research.

Solicit reviews from experts in the industry and consumers alike. You need to pick your sales platforms too. Selling direct through your website can mean more money, but less purchases.

If you can find stores or online marketplaces that can sell your product you’ll increase exposure whilst also making profit. If you do only wish to sell through your website consider making a marketing video showcasing your product in action. Advertise through relevant means such as social media.

You can also target blogs which are pertinent to the product you create.

So are you looking to create your own product?  What challenges have you encountered in design and marketing your product.   I would love to hear your thoughts on this.


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