SFP 001: Introduction To The Stumble Forward Podcast

Stumble Forward Podcast 350X350Welcome my very first episode of the Stumble Forward Podcast!

In this episode I will be covering  the basics of what this podcast will be about going forward and why I decided to start it.

When it comes down to it this podcast will be specifically about avoiding costly financial mistakes and inspiring people to take action on their finances.  This could be helping people avoid the latest scam to financial pitfalls.

Also this week I will be doing two more podcast.  The first being the biggest financial mistake I ever made, and the third episode which will be talking about a new credit technology that could be putting you at risk of get ripped off.

In the second episode I will go in depth to my biggest financial mistake, buying a timeshare, which ended up costing me thousands of dollars and is probably the sole reason I started my blog and podcast in the first place.  On top of that I will also be sharing 5 reasons why you do not want to buy a timeshare and what to look for if you still would like to buy a timeshare.

In the third episode I will be sharing a new technology that credit card companies are using that could be putting you at risk of having your credit card info stolen and what’s worse is that these scammers don’t even have to touch you or see your credit card numbers to get it.

Why Started This Podcast

When it comes down to it I started this podcast because like working in financial services, I loved working with families across there kitchen table and helping them solve costly financial problems.  With this podcast it allow me work across this virtual kitchen table and share my thoughts and ideas.

On top of that when I was just getting started in my early 20’s I wish people would have shared this same advice with me and with this podcast it allows me to do that.  Now I can’t go back and fix any of the mistakes I’ve made but with this podcast it gives me the chance to helps others avoid these costly mistakes and that to me is the most rewarding part to this all.

So take some time and check out my first episode and share your thoughts in the comments below.  Finally, I should also mention that this podcast isn’t available on iTunes just yet since I just submitted it but it should be by the end of the week so just bare with me since this is my first podcast but it will be up soon.

Links From This Episode

Pat Flynns Podcast Tutorial

Cliff Ravenscraft’s Podcasting 101 Tutorial

Podcast Announcement Article

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  1. Thanks Derek. I have 2 more episodes coming out as part of my launch week as well so check those out if you get a chance. Anyways thanks for the comment I really appreciate them.

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