10 Financial Lessons We Can Learn From Warren Buffett (Infographic)

Warren Buffett is probably one of the smartest financial minds of our times.  In fact he recently acquired Heinz Ketchup for $28 billion dollars.  With that said he’s obviously made some wise financial choices and as a result is the third richest man in the world. On top of  that he is the founder of one of the most popular…

5 Most Common Financial Mistakes People Make And How To Avoid Them

Have you ever made a bad financial decision? I can tell you first hand I’ve made a lot of them, if fact that was the entire reason I started Stumble Forward.  I figured that if I’ve made all of these common financial mistakes others would want to know about them as well so they didn’t…

Top 10 Best Personal Finance Apps for the Mobile User

The era of new technology allows mobile phone users to talk, email, record videos, and even shop from their phones. Hundreds of apps for smart phones now allow users to track their finances and spending while on the go. Here are 10 of the best according to Andy Boyd, co-founder of FinanceChoices.co.uk 1. Mint One…

Carnival Of Personal Finance #324: The Universe Edition

Welcome to the Universe Edition of the Carnival of Personal Finance.  In this weeks edition I’m going to be covering one of my favorite topics, The Universe, as well showing off some of the best personal finance articles around.   On top of that I’ll be giving you some cool little tidbits about the universe and some…