The 4 Financial Realities To Be Aware Of When Moving Abroad

Afbeelding van Michal Jarmoluk via Pixabay

Moving abroad can be a thrilling and exciting adventure. There is a lot to learn and every day brings new experiences.

If you have the opportunity to move to a country like Spain or anywhere else in the world outside of your home country you should do it. However, you should also consider what goes into moving abroad so you can do so successfully.

One of the biggest factors you will face is the financial one. How much is it going to cost for you to make the move and live in your new country? This isn’t an easy answer and requires a lot of understanding about what you’re getting into.

Once you understand what you’re facing, you can calculate the costs. In this article, we will cover what the financial stakes are when you plan to move abroad.

1 – Living expenses

One of the most important considerations when moving abroad is the cost of living in your new country. Understanding the expenses that you’ll face is crucial in determining whether you can afford to move and how you’ll need to adjust your budget.

The biggest expenses to account for will be housing, utilities, transportation, and food. Rent or mortgage payments can be a significant expense, and you may need to adjust your expectations about the type of housing you can afford.

In some countries, utilities such as electricity, water, and internet can also be expensive, and it’s essential to budget accordingly. Transportation costs can also vary greatly, depending on the availability of public transportation and the cost of fuel.

There are additional expenses that many forget about. For instance, you will likely need to pay for your own insurance since public healthcare is usually off-limits for new arrivals.

You’ll need to make sure you are covered not only to keep yourself and your family healthy but also to secure a visa. Different countries have different coverage requirements so make sure to compare expat insurance to find the one that will work for your needs and fit your budget.

2 – Taxes

Tax laws can vary greatly from country to country, and you’ll need to familiarize yourself with the local tax system to ensure that you’re in compliance with the law. It’s also important to consider the tax implications of your move to your home country.

Depending on your citizenship and tax residency status, you may still be required to file taxes in your home country, even if you’re no longer living there. This can be a complex process, and it’s essential to seek professional advice to ensure that you’re meeting your tax obligations in both countries.

The length of your stay is also a factor as you may be considered a tax resident in your new country. This can impact your tax obligations and determine whether you’re eligible for certain tax benefits.

Make sure to keep detailed records of your income, expenses, and other financial transactions. This can make it easier to file your taxes and ensure that you’re accurately reporting your income and deductions.

3 – Building credit

It’s very likely that your credit history in your home country is not going to be relevant in your new host country. This means that you may not have access to credit to purchase a house or get a car loan. You’ll need to learn how to build credit in a way that works for how things are done in your host country.

The first thing to do is open a bank account once you have your residence papers in order. Without a bank account, you won’t be able to do all of your daily things to get by anyway. Once you have done that, ask about how to get a credit card through your bank.

Once you have a credit card, start by making small purchases and paying them off right away. This will give you some credit history. After some time you will be eligible to get car loans and eventually a mortgage if that’s what you’re after.

4 – Travel

It’s very likely that you will want to come back to visit friends and family in your home country. You may even have some unfinished business to attend to. In these cases, you will have to factor traveling back to your home country into your budget.

This can get quite expensive so you will need to be aware of this ahead of time.


Although money isn’t everything, it does impact how well you will be able to live abroad. By factoring in your expected expenses, you will get the most out of your experience when living in another country.

One last bit of advice is to make sure that you always factor in an unexpected expense that you hadn’t thought of ahead of time.

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