4 Tips to Improve Home Productivity and Reduce Monthly Costs

Operating a business out of the home or working remotely for a company requires an office strategy that is cost-effective and time-efficient.

According to a report by The Economist Intelligence Unit, remote employees say they are 16% more productive working with companies that use mobile technology effectively. Whether the organization handles the majority of orders onsite with the help of a remote worker, or the business is run entirely from home, having the right technological setup can increase productivity.

Here are a few of the latest tips for remote workers to increase home office productivity.


1. Replace Outdated Office Equipment

Home-based businesses should focus their principal investments on ergonomic and energy-efficient office equipment. There are tons of printers, laptops, or computers available today with integrated cloud technology and high output speeds.

Over the network, workers can quickly share data between devices and send out work orders to clients. Most homes spend $2000 per year on energy bills, but with Energy Star equipment, they can save around 30% on costs per year.

When replacing an outdated device, search for products that decrease power consumption, increase process speeds, and offer advanced office productivity features.


2. Share Files Over the Network

Any devices that are connected to the same network can conveniently and securely share files. You don’t have to scan and upload work, spend hours downloading it, or purchase external digital storage devices.

There are several simple methods to share data over the network, whether you choose to use cloud storage or a file transfer service. You can even set up a homegroup for your network, which opens a pool of shared files between all devices on the network.

Make sure all files are encrypted with password protection to prevent data loss or theft.


3. Use the Fastest Type of WiFi Encryption

Incorporating internal file-sharing speeds up workflow, but without an optimized WiFi router, none of these benefits would be possible. The router connects all devices on the network and protects them with a WiFi encryption protocol.

Each time your business sends or receives data over the network, it passes through your router’s firewall protection. You can increase network security and improve the rate at which files transfer with a WiFi Protected Access Version 2 (WPA2) security setup.


4. Use Telecommuting Tools

Communicating effectively between all sources is a vital component to save time while working remotely. Sending out emails to customers when they have an inquiry or relaying information back to other employees about orders takes up more time than necessary.

Today, companies, households, and home-based businesses can use telecommuting and messaging apps to collaborate and finish projects quickly. Host online meetings with a video chat or send out group notifications to keep everyone in the loop.


Complete Tasks Faster and Avoid Overspending

Each of these methods helps home-based workers speed up work processes and save more money per year. However, all businesses should remember to keep data protected.

Any company is responsible for the loss of sensitive client information and may become subject to legal investigations or fees if the data can not be retrieved. Optimizing your WiFi router and firewall protection is key to keeping remote work data private.

By doing so, you improve the speed of all file transfers, avoid network hangups, and keep sensitive information out of the hands of hackers.

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