Should You Hire Employees From Abroad?


The internet has helped to make the world more connected.

This has allowed employers to look for talent abroad rather than solely having to look locally. The advantage of this is that it gives you access to a greater pool of talent, increasing your chances of finding the perfect candidate.

Hiring employees from abroad does have added challenges, which are also worth considering before looking for talent overseas. Here are some of the main things to consider before hiring a worker from abroad.


Will they be working in your country or theirs?

You could be looking for employees to move from abroad and work in your local office/premises. Alternatively, you may be looking to hire someone remotely. Which option you choose may depend on the nature of the work. Certain work like construction and hospitality cannot be done remotely, while jobs like receptionist work and marketing can.

Hiring remote workers could be beneficial if you need someone who will be working with the locals (for instance, a worker based in China may be able to work within their time zone more easily and speak the native language). However, you’ll need to hire someone that you can trust as you won’t be able to monitor their work as easily. Many employers tend to contract or outsource remote workers from abroad rather than employing them. This can be cheaper and sometimes less hassle as they are then able to handle their own bookkeeping.

This guide at Groove goes into more detail about paying remote workers.


Ensure that they have the right documents/qualifications

In order for a foreign worker to be employed by your company, they will need to be able to provide evidence of certain documents – especially if they’re coming over to your country to live and work. You’ll need to be certain that they have the right type of visa suited to the role, whether it’s a temporary working visa or a permanent right to work.

It’s worth hiring the help of solicitors such as Nanthaveth & Associates to help with these checks. Always check these documents before getting employees to sign any contract.

As for qualifications, you may want to do your research – some foreign degrees or licenses may not be equal to degrees or licenses in your own country. In the case of licenses, it could even be illegal to hire someone that doesn’t have a license obtained in your country (such as hiring an electrician with a foreign electrical license).


Avoid discrimination

While it should go without saying, discrimination against foreign workers should be avoided at all costs. Make this clear with your existing team and take appropriate action against any employee who harasses or abuses a foreign colleague on the grounds of their ethnicity.

It’s important to also not see overseas workers as ‘cheap labor’. Pay foreign workers the same rates as you would for employees from your own country. While it may not always be illegal to do otherwise, it could damage your reputation if customers find out you’re offering unfair pay. This includes suppliers as well as contractors.

Are you hiring employees from abroad?

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