5 Awareness Tips to Maintain Toilets Accurately
A toilet becomes one of the most significant rooms in your home but the most difficult to clean and maintain. The whole statement sounds simple, but it is not? So, what is the magic formula? Stick with me, and I’ll show you how to do it effectively.
Bacteria and germs find the toilet as fertile ground to breed and multiply. The catalyst, in this case, is the humid surrounding in general. The most sensitive areas for bacteria and germs can be the toilet seat, the flush, the floor, and the door handle.
You should treasure important hygiene when handling your restroom. Any foul odor you may experience in the toilet results from the bacterial activities. They will absorb all the organic wastes and later release it as gas.
The information in this publication will generously reveal the useful tips to utilize in maintaining your toilet. You rather spend your resources on preventing related consequences than curing the resultant diseases. Don’t even try to deny this truth.
Tips for Maintaining Your Toilet Hygiene
The outcome of keeping your restroom in proper hygiene might surprise you if you observe better practices. You should not compromise your health on the altar of poor toilet sanitation. You are in a never-ending battle as you do the following:
1. Dust and Sweep
It’s a question you secretly dread when you want answers on correct ways of cleaning. The first step is to remove all items from the entire room. You should grab the dustbin to collect any unwanted pieces in the closet.
Let’s not forget that the toilet accumulates clouds of dust which move in the vacuum to settle inside. You should get rid of this dust because it causes irritation to allergic individuals. But that is not all about it since it is also dirt.
You can remove dust by using the duster handle wipe cobwebs in corners and vents. In case the cobwebs are not reachable, use a stepladder to simplify your work. Then, sweep and vacuum the floors and dispose of all the accumulated debris on the floor.
2. Disinfect High-Touch Areas
Bear with me, because am going to show you how to kill germs in the toilet. And you know what? Consider these vital parts for disinfection as named below:
- Door knobs.
- Flush handles.
- Stall locks.
- Paper towel dispensers.
- The wall.
If you want to obtain better results, then let the disinfectants rest of the surface for a while. The reason behind it is to allow the disinfectants to kill all the pathogens to prevent diseases. You can also clean the floor, areas within the urinals and tile with the floor cleaning solution.
Moreover, use the tissue paper to clean the mirrors. Lastly, disinfect lights and fans.
3. Shut the Lid When Flushing
The bacteria will project into the air when you flush the toilet. They may spread to other places after this action. The first solution is to cover the toilet with the lid. It is the only surest way that you are preventing the bacteria from further spreading.
Still, the toilet seat requires proper sanitation. The correct practice is to clean it daily with the toilet sanitizer to reduce any spreading of the bacteria. Harmful germs and bacteria can die as you apply a toilet seat sanitizer spray.
It is vital to teaching your small children how to use the toilet. Firstly, they should know what to flush and that which can’t get flushed. They require this skill to know that they should only flush human wastes and tissue paper.
The type of toilet paper will determine the rate of clogging. The tissue paper that does not easily break down makes the sewage pipes to clog.
4. Proper Ventilation
The toilet is prone to a high level of humidity, and it requires an appropriate way of ventilation to take away water molecules. You can effectively ensure better airflow by using a proper fan to increase airflow and refresh the atmosphere.
Your floor should always be in a dry state. You can maintain it by using a dry mob which will absorb any water molecules that remain on the floor after mopping. Don’t you know that a wet surface might pose a risk of slips and also falling?
Molds also grow in damp areas of your toilet. In the end, they can cause strains and bad odors. The only solution is to clean regularly and maintain dryness. Open the windows and run the fans to dissipate air.
5. Clean the Toilet Tools
The toilet brushes are potential reservoirs for the bacteria and germs. Using the disinfectant, wash the toilet brushes thoroughly and dry them. Remember to dispose of and replace this brush every six months.
You need to purchase the tools to help you accomplish some tasks. For instance, you may need a flange plunger to remove the clogs. Also, you can use the hot water in a full bucket to remove clogs.
If you continue experiencing some problems, especially the clogging, then seek the services of a plumber. Some severe signs may occur like the appearance of brown water in the sink as you flush. You can counter these complications by getting help from an expert.
It is a good practice to wash your hands regularly. Toilets and taps are key areas where your hand can pick microbes. You can counter the bacteria by using the soap to clean your hands after answering the nature call.
Final Thoughts
It is possible to contract diseases when you neglect the hygiene of your restroom. Remember, a toilet is a place where bacteria can breed together with germs to pose a threat to your life. It calls for your deliberate efforts to take good care of it.
The cool thing about the restrooms is that you can take measures to put them in a better state. Since you use them to regulate your hygiene, cleanliness should be what defines them. This responsibility lies squarely on the users.
At last, you will afford a smile when your ideal domestic toilet is under proper maintenance. The flushing system must be in sound conditions with adequate ventilation. An excellent smelling toilet backed by a clean environment is all you want. Isn’t it?