4 Cryptocurrency Investment Disasters You Can’t Afford


If you are hoping to swell your wallet, whether online or in the real world, cryptocurrency is one possibility that you should definitely consider.

However, before you sink all your money into Bitcoin or Litecoin, you will need to make sure that you are going in with your eyes open.

To help you do this, we have put together a guide on the most commonly made cryptocurrency investment mistakes and how you can avoid them below.


#1 Don’t overestimate the market


Cryptocurrency in its various forms such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin is currently what is known as a bull market. That means it’s strong and continuing to rise.

However, no one can predict how long this will continue and whether what we are seeing is, in fact, a trading bubble. One that could be very close to bursting and taking any profits you have made trading in cryptocurrency with it.

That is why it pays to be fairly cautious with any cryptocurrency investments at the current time. At best it is a high-risk investment plan, and that means you are vulnerable to losing a great deal if the bubble bursts.

It’s also a good idea to look at alternatives to Bitcoin. The reason being that Bitcoin is so well known and popular, buying into the market costs a great deal and has less of a chance for fast growth and making a profit as some of the less well-known altcoins do.


#2 Don’t underestimate the security you need


Another essential disaster that you do not want to happen if you are investing in bitcoins is that you get hacked, and your stash is stolen.

Obviously, being a virtual currency this is a major issue that many investors have been caught by. Something that has necessitated the need for offline storage solutions like the ones here to increase security.

In fact, by storing your ledger information offline, it makes it a lot harder for anyone to hack in and change it, something that can add an extra layer of protection to your investment.


#3 Don’t get caught in a scam

Like all investment opportunities, unscrupulous people will try and used scams to get you to part with your money.

That is why it is vital if you are going to invest in crypto that you check out the information and history available on the company that is running it.

That means looking at their yellow papers, as well as their long-term strategy as outlined in their white papers.

Remember, anyone can create an impressive website these days so don’t let your decision be based on this factor alone.


#4 Don’t forget investment isn’t the only revenue stream


Last, of all, remember that investing in cryptocurrency like you would stocks and shares is not the only way to make money here.

In fact, you can choose to buy from one exchange and sell to others for a preferential rate like you would any other currency.

Alternatively, you can get involved in the mining process and make some money from that as well so don’t limit your option unnecessarily.

Have you made any of these mistakes with cryptocurrency?  Share your thoughts, comments, and stories below.


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