Is Your Business Bleeding Money? That Needs to Change


Every business owner wants to be more profitable. It is not merely a case of selling more or finding more lucrative clients, the first place you need to look when thinking of saving money is at the areas around your workplace, whether it be at home or the office.

Finding these money saving solutions can often save you more than just cash. They will also have a positive effect on the environment and promote a more sustainable working environment for both you and your employees.

Furthermore, finding monetary solutions will allow your business to invest in areas that are most essential. The burgeoning embracement of technology in the workplace has given businesses the opportunity to take advantage of this, and it is up to the business owners to ensure that they take them on board and move into the future along with everybody else.



You need light in the office, that is just a fact. There are some business owners that search for offices with excellent natural light, but this isn’t always viable. However, for too long have offices relied on the fluorescent light tubes you see in every office and supermarket across the world. There must be a better way.

Thankfully there is. Many companies are now moving away from such migraine-inspiring light fixtures and are embracing and investing in an LED power supply which can be programmed to be as bright or as dim as required. This will save you money on your energy bills while also being environmentally friendly.

Furthermore, the type of lighting also does wonders for your physical and mental health. Too bright of a light will cause exhaustion and drop in focus. Having adequate lighting to suit the time of day will reduce eye strain on employees and save them from needing to take days off.



Everyone loves the idea of working remotely, and why wouldn’t you? You don’t have to deal with traffic both ways, you can save money on your lunch, and when your work is complete, you can put your computer away and relax.

Promoting a culture of flexitime will do wonders for your employee health as well as save money on running costs of the office. If you are out of the office twice a week, then you needn’t pay for those two days.

Additionally, the prospect of working from home can also attract new employees, which will bring your business a natural growth. Using messaging apps like Slack and Skype should you need to are also a helpful way of ensuring that everyone understands their responsibilities and gives you the chance to get in contact in an instant.



That isn’t to say burn all your paperwork in some sort of tax evasion exercise, but making the switch from physical to digital will save you money on paper, envelopes, and all other sorts of supplies.

Too many businesses waste money by insisting that mail must be sent via the postal service, but sending emails is not only more efficient, it also helps reduce costs. Before making the switch complete though, ensure that all relevant documents are scanned and uploaded to a reliable and secure system, whether that be servers or the cloud.

Promoting a paperless system will streamline business operations in a way that you never thought possible. We are always edging further towards a more digitalized world, so take advantage of it now and reap the monetary benefits before everyone else.



If you look around your office, do things seem a little bare? How many employees do you have, if any? And do you really need that commissioned statue of yourself in the hallway?

Having an office space all to yourself is an attractive idea, but renting out space can be costly. If it is just you and perhaps two or three other employees that you need to shout across the room to get their attention, then it might be time to consider moving somewhere cozier.

Finding an area that is an adequate size to suit your business can help reduce costs, as you are not wasting money on floor space that you don’t even use. Furthermore, most potential investors may not be all that impressed with an area that looks bare. Consider then, looking for coworking spaces while your business is still growing, and save the money for when you go global.



You want to save as much money as possible and so undertaking these steps can start you on a path towards a more profitable business.

With the opportunities of technology available now, there is no need to drag yourself into the office every day, and that saved money can be put towards your plans for further expansion and perhaps world domination.

Is your business bleeding money?  What you doing to change that?  Share your thoughts and comments below.


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