4 Simple Things You Can Start Doing Today To Save Money Around The Home

No matter what stage of life you are in, or what stage of your financial journey, I don’t know many people that don’t want to look for better ways of doing things.
And when you look for better ways of doing things, it can often save you quite a bit of cash. A really, who doesn’t want to save money? You don’t get rich by spending money, at least when you’re spending it on the wrong things.
So here are some simple ways that you can save money around the home, as well as looking at better ways of doing things.
#1 Switch Banks
Loyalty gets you nowhere, especially when it comes to your banking. So why not switch accounts to make the most of better interest rates and sign up bonuses?
They do all the legwork for you, so you don’t have to worry about switching over all of your direct debits and payments. But you could get a cash lump sum just for switching.
#2 Sell Instead of Collecting
Over time we can accumulate so much ‘stuff’ In our home. But really, is that a better way of doing things? You could implement a one-in-one-out system where sell something before getting something new.
This can be a great idea around the holidays and birthdays. You don’t need all of the stuff, so look to move on and sell what you don’t need. Up front cash right there.
#3 Make Your Home More Energy Efficient
There are some bills in life that we simply have to pay. Mortgage or rent is one of them and our energy bill is another. It can be hard to not use any energy in the house as we all need to keep warm and have hot water.
But there are so many ways of improving the cost of your bill when you make more energy efficient changes. You could use a heat trace cable to keep your pipes warmer, for example.
Then you will use less energy to heat them each time you need a shower. You could wash your laundry on cold rather than heat up so much water for it, as well as avoid the dryer as much as possible. Even turning your thermostat downing by one degree can have an impact over time.
So they are pretty simple changes that you can make.
#4 Write Lists
If you’re not a list maker, then you might need to start being one if you’re looking to save. It is all very well going to the grocery store. But if you don’t go with a plan in mind, then you are wasting time and money.
Go in with a plan, with a list of all of the things that you need for the week or couple of days. It reduces waste, and you know you’re only going to buy what you need, not what tempts you.
Have you tried any of these things before? It would be great to hear what you think and if it has helped you to save money around the home.