A Guide to Saving and Buying Green Electricity


Most of the electricity in the United Kingdom comes from fossil fuels like coal, gas, and oil.

This is a huge contributor to the climate change. here are some great green alternatives.


Carbon Free Electricity

Carbon-free electricity accounts for nearly 40 percent of the total production of electricity in the United Kingdom. This includes nuclear and other renewables.

The proportion of renewable resources vs old resources is at a steady growth rate. This is due to the various policies like Renewable Obligation and Contracts for Differences. At present, the United Kingdom wants at least 30 percent of electricity to be derived from renewable resources by the year 2020.


Green Energy Offerings

Most suppliers of energy offer a few green energy tariffs. These help to support renewable energy options. There are two basic kinds of green energy offerings for tariffs and green funding.


Green Supply Tariffs

Green supply tariff ensures that all of the electricity that is purchased is matched by purchases of renewable energy resources that suppliers make on their customer’s benefit.

This may come from various renewable energy sources like wind farming, hydroelectric power and more. Many green supply tariffs are nuclear-free.

According to electric fireplace supplier, Wall Fireplace Pros green energy suppliers should tell you what sources are included in your mix of green energy and what proportion of your green energy is renewable.

Many green tariffs will clearly state that the energy supply is 100 percent renewable. Many companies will purchase a mix of both renewable and non-renewable electricity supplies. However, always ensure that the supply that they are supplying is at least equivalent in their green tariff.

Many companies only purchase renewable electricity as it’s supported via the Government. This requires that all electricity suppliers purchase some renewable electricity so that it is challenging at best to say how much is actually renewable vs nonrenewable when a person signs up even though it states that it’s renewable.


Green Funds

Green funds are typically paying premiums to contribute to funding that is used in order to support new and renewable energy developments.

When choosing this option, the existing electricity supply will continue as normal, however, by being involved in such options, it’s believed to help stabilize the mix of energy in the future and toward the goal of using more renewable sources.

The newer generation then supports such projects that may also receive said support under the existing government support schemes.


How Green Are Green Tariffs?

There is much debate regarding whether or not purchasing electricity from green tariffs ensure that your electricity is 100 percent renewable. All of the renewable electricity that is generated is connected to a grid.

This is along with all of the non-renewable generation and all of the electricity is drawn from the same pool. Thus, the carbon content of the main electrical is then calculated on this standing. It’s not possible for one user to state that they’re only using carbon-free electricity based upon the supplier.

Green tariffs aren’t substituted for being energy efficient and you should do what you can in order to reduce the use of your current non-renewable electricity and to reduce your carbon footprint. Always consider other renewable sources before you spend any money on a green tariff.

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