Money Stress Or Money Distress – How to Deal With Financial Stress


Money is an essential part of our lives, yet it can be the source of so much stress!

After all, it doesn’t take much to fall behind with repayments. And it’s more common than you think to find that you’ve run out of money and facing an empty refrigerator.

This is when money stress can lead to distress. It can take a physical, mental and emotional toll, and blindside you when you’re least expecting it.


The Benefits of Stress

Stress can be a good thing in life. Just the right amount motivates us to action.

We seek solutions and strive to work that little bit harder to achieve them. If you’re running short on cash this month, you might sell some unwanted items, apply for some overtime, or take a couple of extra hours of casual work. Stress can fire you up to do more to make ends meet.

It can help you find the focus you need to realize the extent of the problem and find a way to solve it.


The Downside to Distress

Distress, on the other hand, is the culmination of physical, mental and emotional symptoms that can leave you in crisis.



Headaches, neck pain, weariness, and a lack of clarity in thought are among the most common side effects. How does one reach this point? Financial difficulties can lead to stress, but without an action plan to overcome them, the stress can grow.

According to, “We feel distressed when the resources demanded of us outstrip the resources we have.” After months in the red with debt collection agents banging at the door, it’s no wonder you might be left in a distressed state.


Removing Distress

Stress can be invisible to outsiders, but if you’re in distress, chances are someone can see it. Accept help if it’s offered. A support network is important.

To relieve the distress, you need to remove yourself from the underlying stressors. So how can you stop those knocks at the door and all those threatening red letters?

You might choose to seek help with debt consolidation to get rid of the debtors that are stressing you out. This has the added benefit of providing you with an affordable plan to become debt free.


Speak to a Financial Counselor

When you’ve spoken to a counselor about your financial difficulties, you might find it much easier to rain in all of your spendings. Things can become much clearer when you’ve reduced your stress as well as your debts.

Start by tackling your monthly budget. You might need to live more frugally for a while. But if this clears what you owe quicker, then you might take some stress relief from it.

And once you’ve cleared the debts that have worried you so much, you could start to put that extra cash into savings. Go on – treat yourself to something you don’t have to borrow for.


My Final Thoughts On Stress and Money

Life is no fun when you’ve got no money to cover the basics. And life can be particularly unhappy if you’re suffering the symptoms of stress or distress because of it. If it’s making you ill, it’s time to get some financial help.

So what are you doing to relieve finanical distress?  Are you doing some of the tips I’ve shared here or are you doing something completely different?

Share your thoughts and comments below.


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