The Secret You Need to Know About Ebooks

Image by Perfecto_Capucine from Pixabay

Earlier this year, the price of the blockbuster book, The Girl on the Train, was slashed from $11.99 to $1.99 for one day only.

Previously, Gone Girl was discounted from $9.99 to $2.99, and The Da Vinci Code was given away for free for one week. In all three cases, the discounts were only available for the ebook version.

If you turn to platforms like piratebay, you are going to get the same E-book for no price at all. This means neither do you have to pay the $9.99 or the $2.99 to get your hands on the Da Vinci Code.

Most people were completely unaware of these huge deals.

A select group of readers, however, had the inside scoop on all these deals and more. They were using BookBub, a daily email that alerts readers to free and deeply discounted ebooks that are available for a limited time.

Over 5 million people have signed up for BookBub’s free service. Readers sign up with just an email address and then select their favorite genres. Each day, BookBub sends an email with free and discounted bestselling ebooks in the selected genres. Just click, download, and read on any device: Kindle, Nook, iPad, iPhone, Droid, & more.

From romance to mystery, cookbooks to non-fiction, and literary to historical fiction there are more than 20 categories to choose from to customize your email. Each title is hand-selected by BookBub’s editorial team to ensure the highest quality – they do the work for you. In addition, each book is at least 75% off, and many are free, which makes it extremely low risk to try new authors and genres.

“It’s the Groupon of books,” Dominique Raccah, the publisher of Sourcebooks, told The New York Times about deal sites like BookBub. “For the consumer, it’s new, it’s interesting. It’s a deal and there isn’t much risk. And it works.”

Book lovers have now become practically obsessed with BookBub. In many cases, they’ve downloaded hundreds of books and saved hundreds of dollars using the service.

“I now have more books than I can read in a lifetime,” said Suzie Miller of Auburn, WA. She said she has downloaded more than 350 free ebooks using the service.

To see today’s ebook deals, go to

This post originally appeared on


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