7 Things To Get Yourself This 2021: A Better Year Ahead

2021: A Better Year Ahead Last year was a crazy year full of community quarantines and lockdowns. Most of us stayed at home for work and school. But with the vaccine slowly rolling out and being administered, there’s a huge hope that we’ll finally get to go out and slowly go back to normal. Hopefully,…

Debunking 4 Myths About Financial Literacy for Young Professionals

Debunking 4 Myths About Financial Literacy for Young Professionals

Being a young professional is an exciting period in one’s life. It is a time of self-discovery and of getting grounded. One must learn to strike the balance between having fun and taking responsibility. Some move to a place of their own. Thus, they start to accumulate life skills and gain more independence. An aspect…

Money Matters: Good Financial Investments for Newly Married Couples

Money Matters: Good Financial Investments for Newly Married Couples

After spending tens of thousands of dollars on your wedding, it is time to face the music: what should you invest in to give you a more comfortable life in the future? How do you want to retire? Do you want to travel the world or perhaps, live in an exclusive senior care community? While…

3 Steps to Balancing Work, School, and Your Budget

3 Steps to Balancing Work, School, and Your Budget

Pursuing an education is a significant opportunity with a long list of responsibilities and deadlines. When you’re balancing a part-time or full-time job on top of your schoolwork, it can take a toll on your finances and your ability to sustain a healthy budget. With these three comprehensive tips, you can take steps to balance…

How to Boost Tax Incentives Before the End of the Tax Year

The end of the tax year (February 2021) may be the ideal time to look and possibly re-evaluate your investments to determine whether you could be taking better advantage of tax incentives. For example, Each year you may make a pre-tax contribution to your retirement fund which can be up to 27.5% of the greater…