Want to Run a Business in the UK? Think About Your Visa Application Process First!

The United Kingdom is the land of many opportunities where investors and entrepreneurs continuously look for reasons to come.

This is why you can find a variety of routes to reach this favored destination.

For instance, you can go to the country using a standard visitor visa, innovator visa, investor visa, graduate entrepreneur visa, and others.

One of the most popular ways is by applying for a Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa. This Visa allows foreign nationals who wish to start a new business in the UK or invest money into an existing business.


But why do entrepreneurs prefer this Visa?

Besides the other advantages of fast-track settlement, you can also bring your dependent family members.

However, the refusal rate for the Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa is also very high. Did you know that the rejection rate went up to 13% in the last few years?

Ideally, the toughening up of the rules led to such a downfall in the acceptance of applications. This is why it is vital to get in touch with a UK immigration lawyer in USA so that you can meet the requirements and prepare a solid application to reduce the chances of refusal.

Nevertheless, still to help you further, here are some of the top reasons that will increase your visa refusal rate.


Your application fails to meet the Home Office requirements

This is why it is essential that you provide all the necessary documents to meet all the rigid demands. Beware of misleading the officials by producing fake documents.


You fail to pass the “genuine entrepreneur test.”

The UK officials introduced this test in the year 2013. This enables them to find whether the applicant is a legit entrepreneur. For this, you need to attend an interview that lasts for approx. 45 minutes.

In this, they ask you questions related to your education, skills, background, business plan, immigration history, finances, and how you intend to run your business.

If you don’t have relevant skills or fail to show knowledge about your business industry, you will lose your chances of getting a visa.


You submitted an application full of mistakes

This is quite a prevalent reason for the refusal of the Visa. Surprisingly, minor errors made on the applications like a blank field, or entering the correct information at the wrong place, results in these hiccups.

This is why you need to take help from experienced immigration lawyers. They will check your document multiple times to make sure nothing is wrong with the application.


You presented a flawed business plan:

This is also one of the possible reasons why the Home Office refuses your visa application. Remember to make a business plan that shows that you are coming to the UK to run a business instead of obtaining a visa.

Also, you need to have access to at least £200,000. If not that, you must have the capability of investing around £50,000 collected from reputable firms. Otherwise, you’ll fail to meet the criterion.


Wrapping Up

There are tons of reasons besides the mentioned ones that can result in a refusal of your visa application. It can be tough to plan what to do next if you fail to meet the visa applications.

This is why you need to talk to an immigration lawyer and challenge the refusal decision in a much more effective way. Or you can also submit a new application to improve your chances.

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