What are the Common Causes of Boating Accidents in Miami
Florida has a grand coastline prompting expert and amateur sailors to set sail on their boats, little realizing the dangers that lurk midsea.
Boating accidents are common, and you hear of midsea collisions, drowning accidents, vagrant weather, and many other reasons that cause boating accidents.
Suppose you are at sea and met with an accident you need to safeguard yourself and your co-passengers.
Call for an ambulance or coast guard, and then reach out to any experienced Miami boating accident lawyers who will guide you through your traumatic time and help you get the due compensation you deserve.
What Causes Boating Accidents?
Most boating accidents are caused by inexperienced sailors venturing into the sea. Apart from an amateur sailor, intoxication is another significant reason causing unfortunate boating accidents that leave several people with severe injuries and several fatalities too in some cases.
Inclement weather is a sailor’s nightmare and often leaves your boat stranded in midsea.
Bad Weather is the Culprit
More often than not, bad weather is the culprit. Strong winds can cause severe boating accidents and cause them to capsize. It is better to check the weather forecast before setting sail. Strong winds of 34 knots or more can capsize small boats when the boater is caught off-guard. Such gusts generate five-foot seas, making it challenging to control your vessel.
Even winds of 22 knots cause five-foot seas, though they are not choppy enough to capsize your boat. When the wind speed exceeds 34 knots, a marine warning is issued; because such winds cause eight-foot seas, spelling marine disaster.
Such marine warnings are not of much use if you are already midsea. So, it makes sense to check the weather forecast before setting out to sea.
Boaters hate thunderstorms, some of which become severe, turning calm waters into a churning, choppy sea. Thunderstorms frequently occur in Florida, which is why it is known as the” thunderstorm capital of the United States.”
According to National Weather Service reports, west-central Florida areas near Tampa have the highest frequency of days per year of thunderstorms.
Lightning is another hazard seafarers need to be wary of while sailing. Unlike forecasts and warnings for the weather and wind speeds, the National Weather Service gives no warnings for lightning.
They warn of a possibility of cloud formation, leading to possible lightning strikes. Since it is established that thunderstorms cause lightning, it is safer to avoid the seas during a thunderstorm because Florida leads the country in lightning-related injuries and deaths.
Other causes of Boating Accidents
- Midsea collision with other vessels or hidden objects
- Speeding
- Mishaps related to towable devices
- Passengers falling overboard
- Fire
- Propeller strike
- Carbon monoxide poisoning caused by boat exhaust
Injuries and Compensation
You may sustain minor injuries like bumps or superficial bruises if you are lucky. If you are in a severe boating accident, you could end up with broken bones, back injuries (spinal cord), brain injuries, etc.
Any severe injury is debilitating and requires expensive medical treatment. Although you may be insured, you should contact Miami boating accident lawyers before talking to your insurers.
You shouldn’t be signing any documents or commit anything to the insurance folks before talking to your boating accident lawyer, who will help you get the compensation you deserve.
Summing it Up
Boating is fun as long as you and your family are safe. Avoid alcohol if you are at the controls. It makes sense to check the weather before setting out to sea. Also, ensure the vessel you board is seaworthy.