How to Win Customers for Life with These 4 Low-cost Strategies


Businesses are becoming more aggressive when it comes to their customer service strategies. This is quite expected with consumers being more demanding now more than ever.

How can one keep up if your business is still in its infancy stage? What can you get ahead to win the customer service game?

In Australia alone, billions worth of revenue is lost due to bad customer service. This is only one of the costs of offering your customers bad customer service.

This year, it’s time to give your customer service a major overhaul. Here’s how to win your clients with superior customer service the cost-effective way:

#1 Offer several customer support channels

Consumers have varying preferences when it comes to customer communication channels. Others would rather chat; some would rather send a quick email.

Others would rather call and talk to a real person in real time. Some would rather voice out their concerns on social media. So consider your target audience and find out which support options they prefer.

This will help them easily reach out to you. You, in return, can resolve their issues and retain their trust.

#2 Consider contact center solutions

You may already have a CRM in place along with other tools that allow you to cater to your customers’ needs. But the question is: Are you able to take in every chat, call, or email at a fast rate?

If not, then consider hiring the services of an offshore BPO company. They can take care of your customers as if they are their own, all the while ensuring that your company values and personality are applied.

This is usually a more efficient and cost-effective way of acquiring and retaining customers than hiring and training your own team.

#3 Solicit feedback and welcome all customer reviews

Whether you receive bad or good reviews, testimonials, or customer feedback, they can be a good form of free advertisement for your brand.

What better way to know if you’re able to meet or exceed their expectations than by asking them directly? Ask new and old clients for feedback and showcase them on your company website.

If there are any complaints, make sure to respond quickly but positively. Don’t be afraid to ask what they want or need. Be sure to consider their opinions when improving your products or services.

#4 Think of customer journey mapping

One quick way to turn off customers and potential clients is to make it hard to do business with you. For instance, you own an e-commerce store. If your online store is hard to navigate, fails to load properly using different gadgets, and is hard to shop on, you can expect tons of complaints from angry customers.

With a customer journey map, you can build a good first impression on your clients. You can entice them to look around, try out your offers, and stay loyal, thanks to the positive customer experience.  One way to do this is to have a Branded Tracking Page that allows your customers to track their packages and see where things are at any given time.

If you can recreate a positive customer service experience, then you can expect customers to keep on coming back for more. In this day and age, it is not enough that you have incredible products and quality services.

You also need to keep up with the competition, fight, and win the battle for the best customer service. It is only then can you win the hearts of your clients, make them stay, and bring awareness to others about your brand.

What are you doing to win customers for life?

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