5 Top Tips For Hosting A Business Conference


There are lots of company owners and entrepreneurs that decide to host a business conference as they know that it can help them become regarded as thought leaders within their industry.

Not only that, though, but it’s a great chance to do some networking with other industry professionals and invite your clients to come and have an insider look into the workings of your company.

Are you ready to host a business conference? Here are the five best tips that can help you organize a fantastic event.


#1 Find A Great Keynote Speaker

Every great conference needs a great keynote speaker. These are like the headlining band at a festival!

You should try to find a keynote who has a great track record for public speaking so that you can be sure you have someone who is both interesting and entertaining.

You should also think about who will be attending the conference – your keynote speaker needs to be someone who appeals to all of your audience’s interests and focuses on business.


#2 Think About The Best Location

Do you know where you are going to host your conference? If it isn’t going to be too big, then you might be able to invite all the attendees to your offices.

However, if you need more space then you will need to hire out a venue. Try to find a hotel or exhibition center that has conference facilities so that you will have everything that you need.


#3 Provide A Schedule In Advance

You will no doubt need to write up a schedule for your conference so that the day has some structure to it. Ideally, this needs to be made public before the event so that your guests know what to expect.

If they are only attending one particular talk or speaker, then they will have a good idea of what time to turn up.


#4 Take Advantage Of Social Media

A lot of conferences now have a strong presence on social media. A lot of organizers decide to live-tweet their event, for instance.

This ensures that no one misses out on all the important points that are discussed during the day, even those individuals who were not able to attend. Not only that, though, but this can also spread awareness of the event.

If you host the conference the next year, you should find that there is a lot more interest in it.


#5 Don’t Forget Catering

If you are hosting an all-day conference, then you should put on some catering for your guests and attendees.

There are lots of catering companies that specialize in business catering, and you will be able to arrange a buffet and finger food with them for a very reasonable price. You might also want to arrange a drinks reception in the evening after the conference to really impress the attendees.

If you follow all of these five tips, your next business conference should go very well indeed. You never know, it might turn into an annual event in the business calendar in your local area!

Are you planning on hosting a business conference?

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