National Deed Service Scam – How To Get A Copy Of A Deed
Do you have a copy of your proprieties deed? Have you ever priced one lately, or considered how much it will cost to get one?
Recently, I’ve been learning about a new scam that has been going around claiming that you must have a copy of your properties deed on hand. The worst part about this scam is that it’s not even illegal and could cost you some of your hard earned money. So in this article I’m going to show just what this scam is and how to get a copy of your deed for much less.
How The National Deed Service Scam Works
Basically, this property deed scam works by sending you a letter saying that you’ve recently purchased this land and that it is required for you to have a copy of your deed on hand. In fact they go on to say that they will take care of all of this for you for a nominal fee.
Below is an actually copy of the letter that is sent to people.
So how much does it cost to get a copy of your deed from National Deed Service? They charge a whopping $59.50 to obtain a copy of your deed but what makes this even worse is that they mention on their own website that they are not affiliated with any government agency and that many government records are available for free or at a nominal fee.
So now that we know National Deed Service is a complete ripoff and over charging your for a copy of your deed you might be wondering how do I get a copy of my deed and what does a deed really cost?
How To Get A Copy Of Your Deed
To get a copy of your deed simply stop by your counties deed department. In most cases you will be able to get a copy of your deed for a few bucks. That’s it.
This may come as a shock to you how cheap a deed can actually cost but this isn’t even the worst part. As I mentioned earlier the service that National Deed provides isn’t even illegal but this doesn’t mean just because they are a legit business that they are practicing sound business principles.
In fact, National Deed Services is no stranger to complaints. According to the Better Business Bureau they have had over 104 complaints as of the writing of this article. These issues include advertising and sales issues, billing issues, delivery issues, and problems with the product and service. In fact the BBB gives them a C- score with an A+ being the best rating. Below is a list of the exact complaints that they have received.
You can read the BBB report on National Deed Service here.
Share Your Story
So have you recieved this letter in the mail? Have you fallen for this scam? Please feel free to share your story and let other know about this ripoff by sharing this article with others on Facebook, Twiiter and Google +. Also take some time an sign up for my mail list to the right of this article where you can recieve updates and tips when scams and ripoffs like this happen.
Chris H.