Compliance Ready: Employee PHI, Tracking Violations And Physical Safety


Every business owner has the responsibility of taking care of their workforce. In the professional sense, your employees will be depending on you to obey the compliance laws set by the government.

This means, supplying healthcare insurance if that’s required, giving them safe places to work in, taking care of those needing time off for their health, maternity leave, payroll and having good legal practices.

That sounds like a lot of work, but really, it’s the bread and butter of administrative departments and human resources.

The issues arise when business owners fail to keep up with the trends and implement new policies that have been passed by the government.


Data is serious business

The data of your employees are valuable to your business. You have their professional profile records on your system.

You know where they’ve been, what their health status is, their experience and what they are worth in the ranks of your business. This data is just as valuable as customer data because it’s required in the world of work. If your employees ever wish to move on to another company, all their data will need to be transferred over.

Hence why HIPAA data has to be protected at all times. As part of PHI, your employees must have absolute faith in you that you will not lose or leak their healthcare information.

Keeping employee data on a separate server is, therefore, the best practice to have. It puts up one more line of defense against hackers.


Best and new practices

Governments always tweak legislation for workers’ rights. They may add new laws that employers have to follow, or they might change existing laws.

It’s your job to make sure you’re keeping up-to-date with the latest rulings in courts and the legislative branches of government in this field. Better yet, you can consult Anchor Advisory, a company that provides managed IT services that include compliance readiness software.

Being able to track and implement new laws without confusion or hesitation will stop you from getting caught out. Their solutions are designed to help organizations create a baseline which will enable you to track employees and see who isn’t obeying the various laws and regulations.

This way you can nip any potential violations in the bud and be ready for any audit reports whether internally done or by an external entity.

Health and safety

Modern industry environments are very strict when it comes to health and safety. Just having the wrong hazard warning sign can end up with you having to pay a fine or worse.

Employees that are hurt at work, will have a much stronger legal case against you if their lawyer finds you are not following the most recent health and safety regulations. It’s therefore in your interest to hire a company to survey your workplace and see where you’re falling short.

Being compliance-ready is something every business owner should be thinking about.

At any moment, industry auditors might come to your offices, factories, and warehouses, to see if you are protecting employee data, following the most recent laws for health and safety and stopping employee violations.

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